sábado, abril 02, 2005

Terri Schiavo

Em virtude do estado de saúde crítico do Papa João Paulo II, analiso hoje neste espaço um único assunto, o qual de todo pode ser ignorado: a morte de Terri Schiavo.

A este propósito, não cessa de surpreender o estranho mundo moderno em que vivemos e a marcha determinada do mesmo rumo ao abismo: causa espanto que uma pessoa que se encontra na posse das suas funções vitais, manifestando sinais notórios e evidentes de não estar inconsciente, seja barbaramente assassinada à fome e à sede, numa longa agonia de duas semanas expressamente consentida pelo poder judicial do seu País, e branqueada pela comunicação social dita de referência, tudo com a finalidade de dar uma aparência de legalidade à vontade criminosa de um marido negligente, sem escrúpulos e infiel. Em suma, a completa inversão da ordem natural e a imposição totalitária de um niilismo negador dos valores morais mais basilares.

Para que destino caminhamos, num desfecho como o do caso de Terri Schiavo, no qual já nem sequer tem sentido falar em eutanásia, mas sim em puro homicídio doloso intencional?

A experiência holandesa de que nos dá conta neste fundamental artigo o Padre Eric Jacqmin, S.S.P.X., e de que abaixo se transcreve parte, é bem ilustrativa de qual a terrível meta que nos aguarda quando certas portas começam a ser paulatinamente franqueadas. Aqui fica para reflexão:

"Families with members with sicknesses justifying hospitalization are heroic in their charity. But hospitals in Holland are no longer places of healing. They are fearsome places where euthanasia is practiced nearly automatically. Doctors have invented a new kind of euthanasia called "mortification" where food and water are denied patients making them die of hunger and thirst, that is, they are starved to death. A 1997 report revealed that 55% of nursing home patients are dying from this lack of care called "mortification."
I've had experience with this. One Saturday evening, I was called by a faithful parishioner from North Holland:
"Please, Father, come and give Extreme Unction to my aunt in the nursing home."
"Is she close to death or dangerously old?"
"But why do I have to come when there is no such danger?"
"The nurse said that she might be dead in a few days."
"But what kind of death is the nurse telling you to expect?"
"The nurse said that she is in rather stable health, but that she might be dead in a few days.
OK, I understood. This was euthanasia and the nurse was "good" enough to relay this information so that the person could receive the last sacraments. I came to give the last sacraments. The woman was lying in the bed unable to move her hands because she was paralyzed. On the table was a cup of water. I gave her a drink and she drank voraciously. It was clear-she was dying from hunger and thirst. Nobody was there to feed her; this was the so-called mortification. And indeed, some days later, she died. I could do absolutely nothing to stop it because the entire social and political system has been organized this way. The only thing I could have done was put the woman in the trunk of a car and drive off to a normal country, but this was a crazy thought. There was nothing I could do but pray.
When I was in Holland, I was aware of three cases amongst our faithful caring for an ill family member because they did not want to give them over to these criminal medical facilities. Two men were each taking care of their mothers, and an elderly woman was taking care of her sister in the most difficult situation you can imagine. The woman ruined her back permanently; she will have terrible pains for the rest of her life because she damaged her back carrying her sister. Though he tended to his mother for years, one man was called a sadist by the nurses because he refused "mortification" for her. The other man was questioned for hours by ten doctors because he refused "mortification" for his mother.
The general situations in the Church and State are so corrupted that normal persons suffer dire mental stress, anxiety, a constant tension from them and have been "maddened" in various ways. I would give them regularly the "Blessing of the Sick" because God knows better than we what these "chaotical" souls suffer and need. Poor people! They are in some way real victims (martyrs?) of liberalism".

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